Marketing Agency


SEO Content, Commercials & Films

Target the ROAS

SEM, Programmatic, Gaming & Performance

Make you feel…

Creativity & BTL Experience

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Apatayana D-U-N-S NUMBER:


In Apatayana we are audited by DUN & BRADSTREET the most prestigious American company dedicated to providing commercial, risk, and financial information about businesses. Founded in 1841, it was the first company in the world to engage in such an activity. Today, through its global network, it has information on more than 230 million companies worldwide.

The company is also known for having created the D-U-N-S Number, the first numeric business identification system in the world, which today is the only international standard and is accepted by some governments and international organizations, such as the United States or the UN.

If you want to access to our audit click on the DUNS image or here